Swindling the Stupid Goyim
If no video is displayed, click in the title. That should bring up the video.
Missives on Important Issues of Our Time
If no video is displayed, click in the title. That should bring up the video.
Posted by
5:35 PM
Labels: economics, International Jewry, Jewish banking, usury
There used to be a video available on YouTube that showed LIEberman lying like a tired old dog on a soft rug. It's been removed. This people just don't want us to see what it is they are doing to this country.
Folks, we need a revolution just like is happening in the Middle East and that revolution is against the same people - Israel and Zionist jews like Lieberman.
If no video shows above, click on the title, that should bring up the entire missive and the video.
Notice how jew LIE-berman (my apologies for the jewpedia link) goes on and on about how he and his colleagues pushed for an "independent" commission. He does this with a straight face. Remember the first commissioner Bush tried to appoint? Another jew and straight faced liar the jew Rockefeller agent - Herr Kissinger.
These criminals like to try to solve the very problems they create with legislation, thousands and thousands of pages of new legislation every year, none of which is even read by those passing these new laws. Then these laws are used to confiscate our rights and our hard earned wealth.
Zionist Criminals like LIEberman need to be tried and then hanged for treason.
Posted by
12:51 PM
Labels: 9/11, International Jewry, Israeli lies, Zionism
“So this is a plea for an explanation of how these two religions can survive in the same world. Resolve this one for me.”
I do not understand how Christians resolve their faith in a world of jewish rule.How do Christians resolve their “professed belief against such goings on - “hard-pressed to find an evil in our human existence that isn’t jewish based” - and continue to call yourself Christians?How can a Christian turn on (jew controlled) television programming and allow this rule by the sinful to continue without hypocrisy?
Christians who say their religion is a personal oneThey don’t worship their “god” in a church (building).They don’t feel comfortable being part of “organized religion.”
If you take this first-century guy at his word...then why do you think he threw the jewish money changers out on their asses?Do you not believe that if you profess to follow his teachings, that you too should reject their worship of the shekel?Their flesh-peddling?Well, what else do you see reigning supreme in this world today?
“I do not understand in the least how you resolve your faith with this hell-hole that the jew has created for you.”
“One of the reasons, among many, that I reject any faith, (any religion) is what I see as the hypocrisy of such beliefs.”
“How can two walk together unless they be agreed?” Amos
2 By this you know the Spirit of Yahweh: each spirit which professes that Yahshua Christ has come in the flesh is from of Yahweh, 3 and each spirit which does not profess Yahshua is not from of Yahweh, and this is the Antichrist, whom you have heard that it comes, and is already now in Society.” I John 4
Posted by
4:15 PM
Labels: Christian Zionists, Christianity, Dual Seedline Christian Identity, hypocrisy, immigration, International Jewry, Israelites, jewish, lost tribes of Israel, multiculturalism, universalism
Suicide rates in South Korea are the highest in the world, surpassing even that of neighboring Japan, which is quite a feat. Suicide is the leading cause of death among South Koreans in their 20s and 30s, and it is the fourth leading cause of death overall, after cancer, stroke and heart disease. (No doubt caused by the high rate of pork intake.)
There are very few national holidays and even fewer three or four day weekends.
One never sees a travel trailer, a tent trailer or a motorhome in Korea. They simply don't exist and neither is there a need - as South Koreans work, work and work some more.
It's been said Koreans have gotten "wealthy, wired and worried." Here's the result of all that pent up stress.
City Council Brawl Erupts Over School Lunches
Hello Korea - you could develop an entire leisure industry of trailers and mini-motorhomes, campgrounds and recreational trailer parks, that is, if you'd spend more time enjoying your new found wealth instead of trying to get more, more and still more.
Chill out - it's just as healthy for you as kimchee. Maybe more so.
Posted by
1:09 PM
Labels: culture, multiculturalism
Cristobal Vila was born in 1966 in Geneva (Switzerland). He lived in Zaragoza (Spain) and studied the Fine Arts School of Sant Jordi (Barcelona) from 1986 to 1990 where he got his speciality in Graphic and Industrial Design.
He founded Etérea Estudios, offering exclusively 3D products and services to the world of the enterprise. And now he is working to experiment in the artistic field.
Cristobal Vila’s website shows many beautiful 3D images and some exceptional animated movies. Strongly recommended.
The Official Web site of: Cristobal Vila (Eterea Estudios)
Posted by
12:20 AM
Labels: Anglo Saxon, Creationism, culture
Posted by
6:04 PM
Labels: Henry Ford, International Jewry, New World Order, Protocols, tyranny, Zionism
In reality, how many black men, other than professional athletes and entertainers, live in homes like the one depicted here? The reality is, most blacks live in poverty.
Notice also, it's the white woman who is giving the car to the black man, not the other way around. And never white men married with black women. And how light the skin of the black man is? Ads never use blacks like the ones who kidnapped, raped and murdered Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom.
These are the animals who murdered Christian and Newsom and the MSM didn't cover this story anywhere near as much had it been whites who murdered a black couple, an event that rarely - if ever - happens.
One thing I can guarantee, there are no commercials in Japan showing Japanese women married to black men giving them Cadillacs.
Posted by
3:16 PM
Labels: culture, multiculturalism, race, racial awareness, white people
Asian Gang of Predators Abused and Raped Up to 100 Girls as Young as 12
Offensive Sears Ad Gone After Angry Whites Complain
"A Sears commercial, which featured a black man repeatedly kissing a blonde white girl under mistletoe, was broadcast on all three networks during morning news shows."
Swiss Referendum Backs Expelling Convicted Foreigners
Tempers Flare at Anti-Diversity Speech by Richard Spencer
Muslin Students Female-Only Swim at GWU Makes Waves
Whites Only signs were taken down in the 1960s. Now we have Muslims Only signs and if you complain, you suffer from “Islamophobia.”
Posted by
2:03 PM
Labels: culture, immigration, universalism, white people
Watch as this bitch Napolitano lies through her teeth. She - along with Michael Chertoff - he profits from the scanners - needs to be tried and then hanged for treason. But let's make sure we waterboard them first, shall we?
Thanks to Brasscheck TV
Whites have become no better than the animals we see here rushing to buy junk made in China they don't need with money they don't have.
We have fallen haven't we?
Posted by
2:39 AM
Labels: capitalism, culture
If you don't know, here are the Corrs - from Ireland - White People.
Posted by
2:06 AM
Labels: Anglo Saxon, culture, the corrs, white people
Posted by
11:38 PM
Labels: International Jewry, Israel, jewish control of media, Zionism
Like I said previously, train stations, bus terminals and malls are next for the TSA screening.
Most of the immigrants are third worlders. Who is behind this immigration?
Jews and Multiculturalism - Barbara Spectre
Posted by
1:15 AM
Labels: culture, ethnicity, immigration, International Jewry, miscegenation, multiculturalism
The Scriptures were originally written in either Hebrew or Greek, not English. What translators do, is just that, translate the original languages into - in our case - English. To do this, the translators should use English words, not Latin words.
The word Gentile is a Latin word, gentilis and it meant, at the time of the Roman occupation of Palestine, "non-Roman citizen" not nation, the Greek word ethnos it is translated for.
There was/is no need to use a Latin word when translating into English the Greek or Hebrew words, ethnos or goy respectively, as there is an English word that can and should be used to translate these two words - that word is, nation. Nation is the English word that means goy or ethnos, not Gentile. English translations are just that, English translations, not Latin translations. The word Gentile does not mean nation in the first place, which is what the two words in the original languages mean.
If we were to use the Latin word Gentile in Genesis 12:2 we'd get this:
2 And I will make of thee a great Gentile, (goy) and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:
instead of:
2 And I will make of thee a great nation, (goy) and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:
and in Genesis 25:23 we'd get this:
23 And the LORD said unto her, Two Gentiles (goyim) are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger.
instead of this:
23 And the LORD said unto her, Two nations (goyim) are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger.
Did Yahweh promise to make Abram a great Gentile and was Jacob and Esau two Gentiles in Rebecca's womb? Ridiculous, just as ridiculous the other renderings are, except when one has a universalist theology and an agenda.
In the New Testament we have the Greek word ethnos used in Luke 7:
"He (the Roman Centurion) loveth our ethnos, and hath built us a synagogue." The jews would never praise anyone for loving the Gentiles: and the Centurion would not have built a synagogue for the Gentiles. So, to avoid absurdity, the translators were forced to translate ethnos correctly, as nation." See Who Are the Gentiles?
Further, the translators used the Latin word Gentile about 600 years after the original Greek word ethnos and hundreds if not thousands of years after the Hebrew word - goy were used in the original texts.
If the extremist Muslims "hate our freedoms" and are a "determined enemy" as the head of the Transportation Security Administration Pistole says then why aren't any of the thousands of American workers and tourists in the Middle East, who are easy targets, not being harmed?
Heck, those who are alleged to want to "do us harm," could just walk right up to and harm anyone of those thousands of Americans who live and work in and around Muslims everyday.
But they don't. Why not? Because the premise is bullshit, that's why.
When are we going to wake up and realize how absurd this entire "they hate us for our freedoms" is nothing but bullshit?
The TSA officials tell us that "flying is not a right, but a privilege." (1:50 seconds in)
Can you imagine some TSA official back in Thomas Jefferson and James Madison's day alleging, "riding a horse is not a right, but a privilege?"
Driving a car has been a privilege for years, not a right, which is why we have to get a license. How long before we need a license to fly?
Why don't we put all this TSA groping on hold and have a full and independent investigation into 9/11 like so many of us want, first?
How long before we are told that "riding a bus" (or a train) is not a right, but a privilege and we have to endure those scanners and full body pat downs by low level and low class minions at the TSA before we can travel on a friggin' bus?
That is where we are headed: Complete obscene searches before we are "allowed" to travel, by our Masters, anywhere, in any way, plane, train, bus or car, all for our "safety," of course.
What's next, portable scanners where we have to exit our vehicles - be scanned by machines built by Chertoff Enterprises - or groped by Chertoff Group - and, if we refuse, arrested, fined and our vehicle confiscated?
Malo periculosam libertatem quam quietum servitium
I prefer liberty with danger to peace with slavery.
What do ya know, has lesbian Janet Napolitano been reading this blog?
Next step for body scanners could be trains, boats, metro 11/23/10 02:09 PM ET
The next step in tightened security could be on U.S. public transportation, trains and boats.
“[Terrorists] are going to continue to probe the system and try to find a way through,” Napolitano said in an interview that aired Monday night on "Charlie Rose."
“I think the tighter we get on aviation, we have to also be thinking now about going on to mass transit or to trains or maritime. So, what do we need to be doing to strengthen our protections there?”
Yeah, right Napolitano: what you mean is you need to find more excuses to take away as many rights as you can while you can.
And here's another jew doing his best to make America into another jewish Soviet Union:
Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.), chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, introduced legislation this past September that would authorize testing of body scanners at some federal buildings.
Federal buildings? Like courthouses? Internal Revenue buildings? Social Security buildings? Forestry Buildings? Fish and Wildlife? Get groped or scanned or can't get an appointment, get into a court hearing, see your senator or congressman? Refuse the scan or the grope and go to jail?
Scripture was right wasn't it?
Deuteronomy 28:
43 The stranger that is within thee shall get up above thee very high; and thou shalt come down very low. 44He shall lend to thee, and thou shalt not lend to him: he shall be the head, and thou shalt be the tail.
These jews are not fooling us: anyone with two braincells should by now know that 9/11 was an Israeli operation; so all of this "protection" and "safety" is nothing more than male cow dung.
And, boy does it stink.
Posted by
12:42 PM
Labels: 9/11, International Jewry, Israel, Israeli lies, Zionism
Some of our Anglo-Saxon brethren - the Irish.
Isn't that red hair and those smiles beautiful?
If you are a Caucasian, be proud of your heritage - we whites built this world.
Posted by
2:56 AM
Labels: Anglo-Saxon, culture, eire, lost tribes of Israel, white people
Want to know why TSA is now strip searching young boys at airports?
Here's the answer - it's becoming quite acceptable to abuse children, especially white children, in America.
Full size here.
Posted by
2:25 AM
Labels: culture, International Jewry, white people
No need for street demonstrations. No need for placards. No need for guns.
Simply withdraw what funds you have from the banks. International jewry is built up around their banking system. Notice I said, their banking system. We can bring their entire banking system down by one simple act: withdrawing our money.
The French are starting to do just that, beginning December 7.
Posted by
2:07 PM
Labels: International Jewry, Jewish banking, revolution
Posted by
3:52 PM
Labels: George Bush murder, justice
With the U.S. government debt in the trillions, one would think the United States State Department would be watching their pennies. Or, if the U.S. Department of State was going to create new jobs, with real unemployment in the U.S. over 22%, and over 42 million people on food stamps, including millions of children, one would think Hillary Clinton's State Department would be creating jobs in the United States or providing for children in the United States, and not in other countries.
How foolish of one to think such reasonable thoughts.
Any of you looking for a job? Here's a full time opening for you, in Danang, Vietnam, being paid for by the American taxpayer, where you "can easily earn a satisfactory salary while not having to work so hard but having time to relax and enjoy life."
Fisher's SuperKids is a top quality private school in Danang, Vietnam, which has recently been chosen by the State Department of the United States to implement a special English program for underprivileged children.
We offer after school English programs to children 4-6 and 7-12 years of age. Our purpose is to prepare the young children of Vietnam develop a strong foundation of English proficiency that will open doors to opportunities for them in the future. We thrive to provide an environment of positive influence, quality, happiness, love and growth for everyone.
Teachers who love to explore and experience firsthand the Vietnamese culture will really enjoy life in Danang, Vietnam where there are great beaches, good food, friendly people and easy access to many famous world heritage sites such as Hue,Hoi An, My Son Holy Land and Cham Islands. A addition to the benefits of working and living in Danang is that the costs of living are very affordable. Teachers can easily earn a satisfactory salary while not having to work so hard but having time to relax and enjoy life.
Openings are available immediately and through December 2010. We offer competitive packages depending on experience and qualifications. Please don’t hesitate to contact us for more information or questions.
Posted by
1:01 AM
Labels: Government, taxes, teach the vietnamese
Is the internet destroying personal interaction? With all the “social networks,” tweeting, texting, email, Skyping and Facebook, are we communicating less in the personal physical realm?
Cafes used to be a place to go and sit at the counter and strike up a conversation with someone next to you or the waitress behind the counter. A place where you and your friends found a booth to talk over a coffee or tea or some food. No more. The counter is gone, the waitress too busy and the patrons buried in their Macintoshes or made in China laptops. Go into any cafĂ© today, we call them Starbucks now, and no doubt it will have wifi, usually free. Those sipping their $4 lattes and cappuccinos will be, with earplugs plugged in, staring into the screen of their laptop, oblivious to everyone and everything around them. They’re buried in cyberspace, MySpace – any place but the place they are physically present.
Where I live in Asia, every night, particularly on weekend nights, hundreds of thousands of the young of this nation are inside what is known as PC-bangs, (computer cafes) engaged in online cyber games. The online traffic some nights is so heavy that the physical lines used to transmit the digital information becomes so loaded, that videos and other data that is usually transmitted in a few seconds, takes several minutes and often times never comes through. The problem is so acute that the South Korean government has considered banning online access after midnight. One Korean couple spent so much time online raising a virtual baby, they neglected their real life newborn. All Fun and Games?
The same thing happens in the States – except there it is Fantasy Football.
Before the Internet became ingrained into our everyday life, football fans who dreamed of being personally involved in the game were relegated to watching games on television and imagining what it would be like to own a team and manage it. Now, with Fantasy Football, football fans can be virtual team owners in direct control of their team.
Full view here: Watch as Whites Are Subtly Drawn in to Their Own Destruction
Posted by
7:13 PM
Labels: brainwashing, culture, propaganda, subtle manipulation
For a true story about a dad who fought the family legal system to maintain a relationship with his children, and lost, read Deadbeat Dad by Charles Fockaert
One reviewer said this:"Deadbeat Dads are real"
Charles Fockaert has accurately and unemotionally documented in great detail what the divorce system did to him. This book is unusual in that it is a fully-cited documentary containing full source material and names of individuals in the divorce system.. This sets it apart from other books consisting mostly of rants or anecdote.
This book is also unusual in that it names the individuals who abuse the system, and documents exactly what they did. Charles suffered just about every possible perversion practiced by the family courts. The richness of the situation first made me ask myself "how could anyone handle this without going nuts?"
Posted by
1:14 AM
Labels: child support, culture, Family, Family Issues
Posted by
8:33 AM