I Thessalonians 5:20, 21

Do not despise expounding of scripture, but scrutinize all things. Hold fast that which is right.

Malo periculosam libertatem quam quietum servitium

- I prefer liberty with danger to peace with slavery.


See also Kerux Replies at Wordpress.com where all future missives will also be posted.

However, because Wordpress charges an outrageous $59.95 a year for a video upload upgrade, videos will only be linked, not embedded.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Israeli Jews Welcome an American


The fellow in the video is duped regarding bin Laden, but the rest of the video, in my opinion, shows the "real" Israeli Jews most Americans never see because the Jewish controlled mainstream media filters out anything anti-Israeli.

Americans give how many billions of borrowed money every year to these people?



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